Our Services
  • Technology
    Core Infrastructure
    • Cloud Computing
    • Software Engineering
    • Hardware Engineering
    • Network
    • Cyber Security
    Data Science & AI
    • Natural Language Processing
    • Machine Learning
    • Computer Vision
    Smart Devices
    • Product Design
    • Electronic Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Supply Chain Management
    • Embedded Development
    • Design
    • Applications
    • Product Marketing
    • Manufacturing
  • Financial  
    Financial Services
    Alternative Investment
    • Real Estate
    • Private Equity
    • Hedge Fund
    Corporate Banking
    Asset and Wealth Management
  • Operational  
    Operational Management
    Human Resources
    Accounting & Finance
    Legal & Compliance
    Sales & Marketing
    Public Relation
  • Telecommunication
    Charging System
    IT & Network Infrastructure
Executive Search
ELP focuses on the Alternative Investment industry and the Innovative Technology sector.
ELP operates on a client-centric basis and only partners with a small and exclusive group of clients in each continent to guarantee best practices at all times.
ELP provides dynamic insights into our practice areas worldwide, and quickly identify high calibre candidates who can meet the individual needs of each client organisation.
Contingency Recruitment
ELP offers bespoke contingency solutions to clients in the innovative technology industry, which covers both technology and non-technology specialisation areas.
ELP's technology desk specialises in core infrastructure, AI and software engineering, while its non-technology desk specialises in marketing and PR, sales, and operations.
Contract Solutions
ELP's contract market specialists understand the socio-political and business environments of the regions in which they operate.
ELP can offer legal, compliance, taxation and immigration advice upon request.
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